
What should a high protein diet contain?

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What should a high protein diet contain?

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A high-protein diet is based on eating more protein while limiting carbohydrates and fats. High-protein diet helps strengthen muscle tissue and lose weight. Check what products it should contain

For whom is a high protein diet suitable?

A diet that provides the body with plenty of protein works best for athletes, physically active people and those who want to gain muscle mass or reduce it. It is worth remembering that a high-protein diet is not recommended for people who have kidney problems, because it can put a great strain on this organ. Before starting a diet, it is worth doing some basic research, as well as consulting a doctor or dietician about the diet

What should a high protein diet contain?

High-protein diet gives a quick feeling of satiety and promotes regeneration of damaged tissues. Many scientific sources cite meat as the primary source of dietary protein, but it is also present in dairy, grains, vegetables and nuts

Examples of foods recommended for a high-protein diet are:

  • chicken, turkey, and other lean meats,
  • lean cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese, low-fat cottage cheese,
  • egg whites,
  • low-fat natural yogurt, kefir, soy yogurts,
  • salmon, shrimp, tuna,
  • beans, chickpeas, broad beans, peas,
  • kale, sprouts of all kinds,
  • hummus,
  • tofu,
  • chickpea and lupine flour,
  • groats, rice,
  • nuts (preferably peanuts and almonds).

Vegans, vegetarians and people intolerant to animal proteins can consume soy and legumes, which have a good quality composition when it comes to amino acids. There are also protein concentrates for vegans on the market, which allow

there are also protein concentrates on the market for vegans, which provide the body with valuable vitamins and macronutrients. In addition, vegan protein has a lot of dietary fiber, which regulates intestinal function and improves digestive processes, so it has a positive effect on the digestive system

It is worth remembering that on a high-protein diet you should take care to supplement dietary fiber and vitamins and minerals. A diet high in protein can also be a strain on the kidneys and liver, and cause sluggishness and feelings of fatigue

Muscle mass gain

Protein is the basic building block of our tissues, including muscle tissue. If you want to build impressive and visible muscle, you need to supplement protein in your diet, maintain nutrient balance, and regularly correct any deficiencies. Dietary protein should always be provided from a high-quality source.

For systematic exercisers who are concerned about caloric gain, it is often impossible to get enough protein from food on a regular basis. A great alternative for them is concentrated protein protein for athleteswhich allows you to prepare a variety of high-protein shakes. Protein strengthens muscles, providing more strength during training, so you can handle more weight or intensity.

High-protein diet and weight loss

A diet rich in protein also aids in the reduction of body fat, however a calorie deficit should be taken care of – it should be created by subtracting calories from carbohydrates or fats. The diet should always be tailored to individual daily caloric needs, health conditions and taste preferences.

Main photo: Sam Moqadam/

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