
Is it completely safe to use location-enabled sports apps?

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Is it completely safe to use location-enabled sports apps?

There is no definite answer to the question posed in this way. It all depends on how you use technology

The more attention you pay to security issues, the less you can worry about your data falling into the wrong hands. Using sports apps wisely is the key to security.

Mobile devices and location

Using tablets or smartphones is our everyday life. Do you want to plan a car trip and are looking for the optimal route? You will probably ask a virtual map for help in this regard. You are in a strange city and do not know how to get to the museum or theater? All you have to do is to turn on the localization in your phone and the map will lead you to the desired point.

More and more athletes (both amateur and professional), use web applications that have access to location. This is one of the best ways to record every training unit and to track athletic progress. However, the question arises, is it safe to use such apps?

Proper device security is a key security factor for any app. Whether we are talking about a sports app or a banking app. When it comes to location-based, from a security point of view, it is better to turn it on when you really need it. It doesn’t have to be active all the time – only turn it on when you start a workout and turn it off right after you finish.

How to secure sports apps?

Manufacturers of sports apps outdo each other in assurances that their products are completely safe. How does the reality look like? Everything is fine until there is some malware that decides to capture user information through a hole in the system

The basis of your security should be a strong password. It is a mistake to use the same password in different applications. Try to use a different string of characters in each program that requires password protection. Arrange passwords to contain random numbers, letters and special characters. The longer and more complex the cipher, the harder it is to crack.

Limit activity visibility. As a general rule, most sports apps are set by default to make your workouts public. This in itself is still not dangerous, provided there is no map with your workout. When anyone can check out the route you regularly run, it’s easy to see what neighborhood you live in when you start trotting up the block. Limit the visibility of your workouts to only a circle of trusted people.

However, if you are anxious to share the complete details of your workout with others, then show a little cleverness. Don’t start your workout under your own cage. Vary your running routes. This will make it harder to predict where and when you will start your next training unit from. This is not to get paranoid and suspect everyone of bad intentions. However, as they say, the prudent always have insurance.

There’s no denying that location used on a large scale in sports apps is an extremely useful feature. It’s only up to you to decide how it will affect the security of you and your data.

Main photo: Blue Bird/

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