
What are the effects of muscle electrostimulation?

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What are the effects of muscle electrostimulation?

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Exercise posture, training goals and biomechanics are not only important during classical physical activity, but also during electrostimulation. So where are the differences and what are the effects and benefits of EMS?

When we train in an electrostimulation suit, we are able to stimulate a much larger number of muscle fibers through the involuntary contraction that our muscles receive. Exercising with electrostimulation is therefore much more intensive and in a shorter time you will achieve the desired results.

Effectiveness in strengthening muscles with electrostimulation is an important advantage, but we can’t forget about other advantages. If you are recovering from an injury or surgery and want to get back to full health as soon as possible, EMS training will certainly make it possible. It will also help you burn more calories. There are studies that say we can burn about 3,500 calories per EPOC (oxygen debt) during one 20-minute high-intensity session.

EMS ideal for pain

Electrostimulation also affects the deep postural muscles, which are difficult to stimulate during regular physical activity. Regular practice of EMS will help eliminate discomfort caused by poor posture or a sedentary lifestyle, such as back pain.

Time saving

EMS session is an ideal solution for people who cannot afford to exercise longer during the day. With traditional training (without electrostimulation), in order to achieve our goal, we have to go to the gym or plan at least three sessions a week. With electrostimulation, programming is limited to a half-hour session per day or a maximum of two per week.

The combination of higher intensity in less time gives us a better quality workout, and more importantly, by requiring less training, it is easier to maintain session time and achieve goals.

Remedy for joint defects

We all know that in order to strengthen our muscles we need to load them, and in most cases we achieve this by working with weights. However, this has several drawbacks: a large part of the population cannot achieve the given goals due to joint defects that are difficult to correct – especially in the elderly or in the process of recovery. Exercises with electrostimulation allow you to train your muscles without exposing them to injury. Stimulation at the level of almost 90% allows us to induce microfibre breaks, which are necessary for muscle growth and strength gain.

Electrostimulation enhances flexibility, muscle strength and speed, and posture. Exercising with EMS can also give us – depending on the type of training we do – an undeniable increase in power levels, as well as progression in flexibility, speed and postural correction.

Change in bone density

Most of us reach our most optimal level of bone density between the ages of 20 and 30, which begins to decline after “thirty”. It is obvious that the higher the bone density, the better we will be able to avoid falls and fractures, and our body will have more stability, reducing the risk of injury. Therefore, it can be concluded that exercise with electrostimulation is suitable for people with osteoporosis or old age.

Effects on the psyche

With high-intensity exercise, such as the muscle electrostimulation discussed, the brain begins to secrete dopamine a few minutes after the workout. The hormone helps you become more alert and focused. The more you train, the more dopamine is released.

The body also produces serotonin after an electrostimulation session. It is responsible for regulating body temperature and also for correcting imbalances in the nutritional cycle. Additionally, performing short, intense exercise sessions reduces cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress.

Featured photo: MEON EMS

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