
Smartband fashion. Learn the pros and cons of fitness bands

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Smartband fashion. Learn the pros and cons of fitness bands

A smartband is a small band worn on the wrist. Millions of fitness enthusiasts have fallen in love with it. We decided to check what are the advantages and disadvantages of these small devices and who will have the greatest use of them.

Smartband – what is it?

A private trainer, an intelligent wristband, a sports gadget that monitors the basic parameters of physical activity – you can find many terms for smartband. This band looks very inconspicuous, but hides the functions that allow you to monitor progress and optimal planning of training units.

What advantages does a smartband have?

First of all, it is worth noting the already mentioned inconspicuous appearance of this smart device. It is not conspicuous, so you can also wear the colorful wristband every day.

Another advantage is the low weight. The wristband is light enough that you won’t notice the difference when you put it on. This is an interesting option, especially for people who do not like having a heavier sports watch on their hand.

The advantage of these small wristbands is also their durability. Not only are they resistant to adverse weather conditions, but they should also work in extremely high and low temperatures, although in this case a lot depends on the capabilities of the specific model.

Smartband communicates with your phone. Thanks to this, you will find all the information about your workouts in one place and have it at your fingertips.

Smartband – does it have any disadvantages?

For some, a big disadvantage may be, paradoxically, the small size of the fitness band. You can also meet with statements that popular models can boast of limited functionality, but here you must take into account their price. There are also voices among users that wristbands are slightly less accurate in measurements than, for example, special watches for athletes. However, it seems that the number of advantages outweighs some imperfections of this sports gadget.

What to look for when choosing a smartband?

Proposals on the market is so much that it is easy to get lost among them. Which band will be the best? Which model will meet the expectations placed in it? When choosing a smart band, do not rely solely on its appearance, although aesthetic considerations for many people will also be of great importance. However, much more important are the available functionalities of a particular model.

It can be assumed that all smartbands available on the market will allow you to count traffic jams, measure the distance covered during workouts or estimate the number of calories burned. However, more and more people have much higher requirements for sports gadgets. Advanced devices boast additional features. Measuring sleep time, pace measurement or built-in GPS module are just some of them.

Important features to look out for when choosing this sports gadget include:

available functions – choose such a wristband that will allow you to monitor all the parameters you are interested in;

water resistance – this feature is important not only for swimming enthusiasts – it may also prove extremely useful during a heavy downpour;

weight – the lighter the band is, the less it will interfere with your workout

– Batterylife – the longer the battery lasts the better;

phone compatibility – pay attention to what system is supported.

Wristband or sports watch – which to choose?

Smartband is definitely a cheaper gadget than a sports watch. If the functionality of a particular product meets your expectations, you do not train regularly or you want to monitor only the basic parameters of your physical activity, then a smartband will be sufficient. On the other hand, if you want to approach the issue of workout analysis in a comprehensive way and take into account a number of detailed parameters when planning training units, then opt for a sports watch.

Featured Image: Maurizio Pesce from Milan / Wikipedia

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