
How do smart lighting systems work?

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How do smart lighting systems work?

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Even a dozen years ago, none of us would have thought that home lighting can be controlled at will. It is known that the lighting is to shine and provide us with visibility during the evening or night.

However, it turns out that the color and brightness of unnatural light has a similar effect on our mood as shining sun. Certainly in rainy days each of us is depressed and depressed, and sunshine and clear sky cheer us up and encourage us to leave home. Having controllable lighting we can feel good and happy even on rainy days.

LED lighting – what is it?

Lighting technology that at this point leaves all others far behind. The rays emitted by it provide users with clear and crisp light, while consuming low levels of energy

The entire lighting scheme is based on the principle of electroluminescence. The diode, which is the main culprit of the whole incident, is divided into two layers. Everything takes place on the territory of the semiconductor chip, whose task is to convert electric current into light. This happens in a way in which electrons have to make their way from one layer to the other. As they jump to the second layer, they are left with a lot of energy, and they give it back by ejecting rays of light from themselves.

LEDs have a very long life and low power consumption. With all this, some types are able to change their colors and through intelligent systems, adapt them to our mode of the day.

Intelligent LED lighting

Let’s briefly describe here what the phenomenon of intelligent lighting really is. Well, manufacturers have come up with a great idea, namely that you can combine light with your phone without unnecessary combining and forging walls. They started to patent lighting equipment with WiFi modules and controllers controlling lamps.

This gives us as users a lot. Connecting, for example, a smart bulb with an application in our phone, and then with the home router, we make this equipment is permanently stored in the network and can be controlled by it. The whole remote control and operating system is the application in the phone. We can use it to freely change the color of light, brightness, or set your own biorhythm during the day. This treatment will certainly allow you to feel good every day.

Types of such lighting

We have already mentioned smart bulbs, but they are not the only device in this series. In truth, depending on what we want to shine, such a smart thing can be purchased. It is possible to buy smart lamps or plafonds, flush-mounted and flush-mounted fixtures, or even fixtures for busbars

A slightly different situation is in the case of led tape. Many people want to have it in their home, because it adds a lot of charm. This lighting system can also be equipped with intelligence, but for this you need intelligent power supplies for led tapes. They take care of converting the voltage to DC directly, and at the same time, we can connect them to our home network.

Photo source: Material from the customer

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