
Gadgets and accessories for outdoor exercisers

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Gadgets and accessories for outdoor exercisers

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Exercising outdoors is not only an opportunity to improve the fitness of the whole body, but also to feel better. By outdoor physical activity we mean running and cycling, but also exercise in outdoor gyms. See what accessories will be useful for people who exercise outdoors.

For running

Running is an activity that is growing in popularity. For every runner, essential accessories are first and foremost running compression bands. They are useful especially during long runs. They can also be good after a workout for faster muscle recovery. Compression bands are a type of socks and leggings that fit around the legs. They can neither be too tight nor too loose, as they can do more harm than good.

For running, but not only, a proper watch will also come in handy. It will allow you to measure your pulse, check your route and the kilometers you have covered. The choice of such watches is very large and you can adjust them to your individual needs.

In order to ensure safety while running it is worth to equip yourself with reflectors. Especially early in the morning and late in the evening, when it is dark outside, you should have all reflective pins, keychains or wristbands with you. Sportswear manufacturers often put reflective elements on products, but they may not be enough, so you should think about something extra.

Speaking of clothing – the one for running should be adapted to the temperature. The most important thing is the material of which the running clothes are made. The most important thing is the material of which running clothes are made. Manufacturers offering such clothing bet on artificial materials, because they are the best at wicking away moisture. If it rains, it is worth having a waterproof jacket and a baseball cap, which will prevent your face from getting wet. When the temperature is around 0 degrees, wear a warmer sweatshirt or a breathable jacket, but do not increase the number of layers. Short shorts should be replaced by long shorts. Gloves and a hat will also come in handy to keep your body warm

Into the mountains

Mountains are a great place for performance training, but make sure you have the right equipment. The right outfit is essential. The footwear you wear in the mountains must be stable and comfortable, and it should not cause corns. Men ‘s or women’s trekking shoes, which are designed for mountain expeditions, are ideal.

When it comes to clothing, just as with running in the usual terrain, it should be matched to the weather conditions. For running in the mountains, the same clothes as indicated above will be good – made of moisture-wicking and quick-drying materials.

On the bike

For people who want to share their riding experience, an interesting option will be a bike camera. Such a camera can be mounted in the helmet and record the course of the route in the highest quality. Another technological solution, which may appeal to people who like to explore new routes and places, is a bike computer with GPS.

For people who decide to go for longer bike routes a bidon will be indispensable. It is worth to bet on one that will keep drink cold for a longer time.

Depending on the amount of things you will take with you on a bike, you may need a bag or pannier. They are much better than a backpack, which can be uncomfortable after several kilometers of cycling. Bicycle basket mounted on the rack or handlebars can be also a good solution.

Main photo: StockSnap/

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