
Straffr, or smart training tape – how does it work?

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Straffr, or smart training tape – how does it work?

The technological equipment that makes it easier to exercise on your own is constantly growing. Smartwatches, mobile apps, virtual trainers, and devices that monitor an athlete’s progress will soon be joined by smart workout bands.

Exercise bands are one of the simplest sports gadgets useful for home workouts. Tapes are divided according to the level of resistance produced and are designed to engage all muscles in an effort. Until now, the key aspects when choosing a rubber band were its width, thickness and the level of resistance. Now a new type of rubber has appeared on the market, which takes a modern approach to home exercise. German company Straffr decided to improve a simple gadget and introduce it to the world of developed sports technologies.

Characteristics of the model

Thanks to a special module, placed on the rubber, it is possible to track every movement of the athlete performing training. Recorded data are sent to a specially designed application, which analyzes achieved parameters and proposes individually tailored training sessions. The application is compatible with both Android and iOS software. The virtual trainer installed in the application can motivate the user to improve the result, as well as detect whether a given exercise is performed correctly and engages all the recommended muscle parts. The Straffr Exercise Rubber has about a few hundred types of exercises preloaded, which will adapt to the user’s abilities. A sensor mounted on the rubber measures the number of repetitions performed, as well as the speed and strength of the stretch. The preloaded workout databases are specially prepared by professional trainers and physiotherapists.

Product availability

The rubber is not yet available on the market, because the German engineers responsible for the project are still raising funds for its implementation. A fundraiser is taking place on Kickstarter with a goal of €33,000. So far, more than 20 thousand have been collected, so, as the producers emphasize, the rubber may reach the customers still this year. The price of a single exercise rubber is currently 69 euros.

Advantages of exercising with a resistance band

Made of latex, rubbers are great both at home and in the gym or training room. The set of exercises that can be performed with the rubber is wide, so it adapts well to the individual needs of the athlete. Training with an exercise rubber engages all parts of the muscles, evenly distributing the force of pressure and resistance. The elastic can replace exercise dumbbells, which is a good option for people who like to exercise with additional weight.

Examples of workouts with the use of the band include lower body parts, for example legs and thighs, buttocks, shoulders, back or arms. The gadget is one of the cheapest sports equipment, takes up little space in the workout bag or home closet and is low in injury. The effects of regular exercises with a rubber band are visible after a relatively short time. This type of training reduces body fat, strengthens muscles, speeds up metabolism, stimulates the construction of new muscle tissue cells, slenderizes the body and allows you to develop physical fitness.

Exercise bands in rehabilitation

Resistance bands are considered one of the best gadgets to support athletes struggling with injuries and injury treatment. In this context, Straffr’s smart elastic band seems to be an extremely effective solution, as it allows the athlete to have full control over their performance, analyze the recorded parameters and provide a source of motivation for further progress. Stretch bands strengthen selected body parts and muscles that have been damaged. Studies have shown that exercise bands work great for rehabilitation of torn ligaments, sprain or strain, shoulder dislocation or the so-called runner’s knee.

Featured photo: Straffr

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